
Established in 1998, the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies (Rondeli Foundation) is an independent, non-profit policy think tank dedicated to helping improve public policy decision-making in Georgia through research and analysis, training of policymakers and policy analysts, and public education about the strategic issues, both domestic and international, facing Georgia and the Caucasus in the 21st century. The activities of the Foundation are aimed at promoting democracy and enhancing regional cooperation. 

Most of the Foundation’s experts are former high-ranking government officials. They possess a unique mixture of government policy expertise and academic achievement. The Foundation experts’ significant ties with the country`s political leaders and educational institutions help the Foundation raise the profile of Georgia`s opportunities and problems, promote dialogue between the government and research community, and train the next generation of leaders who will shape the future of the country. Rondeli Foundation brings together experts working in multiple disciplines. In order to carry out research projects and training, it attracts leading Georgian analysts for individual and joint studies on a contract basis.

The Foundation also serves as a forum for foreign scholars who are conducting field research related to political and economic processes in Georgia, as well as in the Caucasus at large. The Foundation offers a hospitable environment and field expertise to help scholars achieve their research goals.

Training courses are designed to enhance human capital in the region by raising the level of expertise in international economics, politics, and security issues. The Foundation broadens opportunities for promising young specialists to participate in policy planning and decision-making. The trainees, representing both governmental and non-governmental organizations, are offered evening classes in economics, foreign policy and international security. Our teaching staff includes international and local specialists, and instruction is provided free of charge.

Public Outreach is an important tool for increasing our influence in the policy dialogue. Rondeli Foundation regularly conduct interviews with the media, hosts discussions, public hearings and round tables.

Evaluation and assessment studies aim to help institutions improve their measure of program performance and understand how performance might be bettered. This includes evaluations of specific programs and projects as well as more general assessment studies of political risk and social and economic development. Evaluation and assessment studies are conducted in Georgia and the Caucasus region for governments, the private sector, and NGOs.

Conferences and seminars are regularly organized, often in collaboration with other research institutions and government organizations, to encourage an exchange of views among policymakers, scholars, and NGO`s on key policy issues and to develop recommendations for action.

Rondeli Foundation's research and training activities focus on the region's agenda. The Foundation carries out joint projects in collaboration with research and educational institutions across the region and beyond.


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