
Call for Applications – Training Program in National Security and Public Policy

2023 / 05 / 01

The Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies (Rondeli Foundation) is pleased to announce a call for applications for a professional training program in National Security and Public Policy. 

The program is designed to prepare analysts for the national security community for careers as government policymakers in defense/security agencies, diplomats, non-governmental policy analysts, and business leaders. It offers training in analytical methods and approaches to national security and public policy and focuses on the skills and knowledge necessary to participate in the national security policy process and shape its future.

The emphasis will be on providing students the analytical tools to effectively address critical public policy and national security issues thereby enhancing public policy debate and capacity of making effective and better-informed decisions. 

The training program is implemented by GFSIS (Rondeli Foundation) and supported by the U.S. Government. 

The training curriculum entails but is not limited to courses on International and National Security, Policy Analysis, Economics, Post-Soviet Space, Energy Security, Strategic Communication, European and Euro Atlantic Integration, Middle East, International Finance, and Defense Policy around 200 hours of class instruction.

The courses will be delivered by U.S. and Georgian instructors. The working language is English and Georgian. The courses will be offered in the evening hours.

The program starts by mid-June 2023 with the graduation by the end of May 2024.  

Who can apply: Georgian mid-level public servants along with civil society and media representatives.  

Program Selection Criteria: University-level education, English language proficiency, relevant work experience and interest in the field of study.

Application Process: To apply, please submit the following documents in English: (1) Motivation Letter; (2) Recommendation letter and (3) CV  electronically to [email protected] no later than 18:00 May 25, 2023.

Shortlisted applicants will be required to pass an interview. 

For additional information about the program, please contact: 032 2 47 35 55; Ketevan Emukhvari, [email protected];  

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