Meetings and Discussions

ქართული პოლიტიკური ემიგრაციის 100 წლისთავი
ქართული პოლიტიკური ემიგრაციის მოღვაწეობა ჩვენი ქვეყნის უახლესი ისტორიის მნიშვნელოვანი ნაწილია. რონდელის ფონდი ქართული ემიგრაციის ისტორიის ექსპერტებთან ერთად გთავაზობთ დისკუსიას როგორც ქართულ ემიგრაციაზე ევროპაში, ასევე საკითხის შედარებით უცნობ მხარეებზე, როგორებიცაა ქართული პოლიტიკური ემიგრაცია სამხრეთ ამერიკაში და ქალთა როლი ქართულ ემიგრაციაში. აღნიშნული ანალიზი თავის წვლილს შეიტანს საკითხის…
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Webinar - Digitlization of Human Resources Management
On September 21, the Rondeli Foundation organized a closed webinar entitled Digitlization of Human Resources Management targeting HR Specialists working in the public sector. The aim of the event was to discuss the challenges and technological opportunities in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic with Swedish and Georgian HR experts. Swedish expert, Mats Baskow, talked about human resources…
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Afghanistan Discussions - Taliban's Diplomatic Battle
Rondeli Foundation has starting a series of discussions, following the recent developments in Afghanistan. The purpose of the discussions is to get a comprehensive assessment on the situation and provide the viewers with different perspectives by inviting relevant stakeholders to participate in the discussions. Our experts from the region and around the world will discuss how this dramatic…
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Afghanistan Discussions - Taliban Takeover and Central Asian States
Rondeli Foundation has starting a series of discussions, following the recent developments in Afghanistan. The purpose of the discussions is to get a comprehensive assessment on the situation and provide the viewers with different perspectives by inviting relevant stakeholders to participate in the discussions. Our experts from the region and around the world will discuss how this dramatic…
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Afghanistan Discussions - Concerns of Iranian Security
Rondeli Foundation is starting a series of discussions, following the recent developments in Afghanistan. The purpose of the discussions is to get a comprehensive assessment on the situation and provide the viewers with different perspectives by inviting relevant stakeholders to participate in the discussions. Our experts from the region and around the world will discuss how this dramatic…
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Georgian-Chechen Relationships
On 6 August at 18:00 (GMT+4) Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies (Rondeli Foundation) hosted to the webinar dedicated to Georgian-Chechen relationships. During the event, the participants discussed various aspects of Georgian-Chechen relationships.
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Meeting with U.S Ambassador Kelly C. Degnan
On August 2, 2021 U.S Ambassador H.E Kelly C. Degnan met with a group of civil society representatives. The Rondeli Foundation's president, Ekaterine Metreveli also attanded the meeting. The discussion revolved around media freedom and journalist safety, Georgia’s way forward on key electoral and judicial reforms, and the importance of all parties signing and implementing…
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Discussion on Domestic Politics of Chechnya
On July 14th, the Rondeli Foundation organized a discussion on "Domestic Politics of Chechnya" with the national security cohort.
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The Seventh Meeting of the EU-Georgia Civil Society Platform
On 30 June 2021, in Tbilisi/Brussels, VII EU-Georgia Civil Society Platform (EU-Georgia CSP) meeting has taken place. Due to the COVID-19 conditions the meeting, which usually takes place in Brussels or Tbilisi, by rotation, twice in a year this time was held online, hosted from Tbilisi, Rondeli Foundation (GFSIS).
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World After Historic Summits: What's Next?
G7 Summit in the UK, NATO Summit and USA-EU Summit in Brussels; all followed by President Biden's meeting with Putin; Threats from Russia; Systemic Challenges from China; Developments in Ukraine and Belarus; Cybersecurity, climate change, terrorism, strategic stability and arms control - this is the list of the issues discussed at the highest levels. What has changed since last year?…
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Roundtable Discussion on Local Governance
On June 17, the Rondeli Foundation organized a roundtable discussion with local government and community leaders. Sulkhan Saladze discussed local governance issues with the participants. The roundtable was organized in the "Building Bridges: Deepening Cooperation between Communities in Adigeni Municipality" framework. The project aims to work with high school students in Adigeni…
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Democracy Talks Georgia: Women in Politics – Local Elections 2021 and Beyond
The Rondeli Foundation in cooperation with Embassy of Sweden in Georgia hosted an online discussion - Democracy Talks Georgia: Women in Politics – Local Elections 2021 and Beyond. June 8, 14.00-17.00 (Tbilisi) on Zoom.
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Meeting with Students of Adigeni and Mokhe Schools
On 5-6 June, within the scope of the - "Building Bridges: Deepening Cooperation between Communities in Adigeni Municipality" project, schoolchildren of Adigeni Public School and village Mokhe Public School attended four thematic discussions.
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Meeting with Schoolchildren of Zarzma Children’s Academy
On May 29, in the scope of the - "Youth for Regional Development" project, schoolchildren of Zarzma Children’s Academy attended the lecture on "History of the Western Road of Georgia". The discussion was conducted by Irakli Chkhaidze, Assistant Professor at Tbilisi State University.
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Future of EU and NATO - Baltic Perspective
The Rondeli Foundation, in cooperation with Estonian School of Diplomacy (ESD), invites you to an online webinar - Future of EU and NATO - Baltic Perspective. Latest developments in Belarus - How to deal with Lukashenko? Was the reaction from the EU/NATO/US strong enough? Should we expect the full scale integration of Belarus with Russia? June is going to be a very busy month…
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Discussion with Teens From Khulo Municipality and Pankisi Gorge
As part of the project - Community Youth Engagement in Pankisi and Khulo, teens from Khulo Municipality and Pankisi Gorge discussed the importance of active citizenship and political participation. The seminar was led by expert Vladimir Bozhadze, Head of the Civil Society and Democracy Development Center.
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Meeting with Students of Adigeni School on Aspindza Rugby Base
Within the framework of the project "Building Bridges: Deepening Cooperation between Communities in Adigeni Municipality", students of Adigeni Public School visited the Aspindza rugby base, where they attended important lectures conducted by experts. Researcher fellows of the Rondel Foundation, Giorgi Bilanishvili and Zurab Batiashvili conducted lectures on "Georgian National…
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ყარსის ხელშეკრულება - მითები და რეალობა
ყარსის ხელშეკრულება, რითაც დადგინდა საქართველო-თურქეთის სახელმწიფო საზღვარი, საქართველოში არცთუ იშვიათად გამხდარა განხილვისა და დისკუსიების თემა.
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Seminar On Regional Players in the South Caucasus - Turkey, Russia and West
On May 28, the Rondeli Foundation and OSCE HCNM conducted a seminar on the topic of "Regional players in the South Caucasus - Turkey, Russia and West" in the framework of the joint project "Enhancing National Minority Agenda".
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Roundtable Discussion on Media Literacy and Disinformation
On April 26, 2021, in the scope of Rondeli Foundation's project "Building Bridges: Deepening Cooperation between Communities in Adigeni Municipality" an online roundtable meeting was held. Tamar Kintsurashvili, Director of Media Development Fund, discussed Media Literacy and Disinformation with the participants. Public servants on the municipal level, well as as, local community…
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