რუსეთის სამხედრო ძალების მიმოხილვა

The Battle of Ukraine, Special Issue 22, From 27 April, 11:00 to 29 April, 14:00 Kyiv Time

ავტორი: David Batashvili, Research Fellow at the Rondeli Foundation

This is a special issue of the Rondeli Russian Military Digest dedicated to the Russo-Ukrainian War, composed on the basis of numerous open sources.


Donbas Area

Russian advances were rather limited during the reported period. The most significant one was them gaining several kilometers while advancing to the southeast from Yatskivka, in the area east of Izyum.

Russian attacks failed southwest and south of Izyum, near villages of Velyka Komyshuvakha (which they assaulted but failed to take), Virnopillya and Nova Dmytrivka.

Russians again attempted and failed to advance in their street battles with Ukrainians within Rubizhne. In Popasna, they have managed to take the southern half of the town, while Ukrainians maintain control of its northern part.

Static shot from the Russo-Ukrainian War interactive map, the Battle of Donbas as of the afternoon 29 April. All information on the maps is approximate.

The area north of Slovyansk


Siege of Mariupol

Heavy fighting around the Ukrainian citadel in Azovstal plant continued without major changes.


Kharkiv Area

Ukrainians continued their slow pushback of Russians to the north of Kharkiv. Among their successes during the reported period was the liberation of Ruska Lozova village which reportedly had been important for the Russian persistent artillery bombardment of Kharkiv.


Zaporizhzhia Area

Russians failed in their new attempts to advance in the area east of Hulyaipole.


Black Sea Area

The area northwest and west of Kherson city saw intense maneuver combat with the two sides attacking and counterattacking one another in various parts of the frontline.

Russians took the village of Tavriiske and retook Klapaya which they had recently lost.

Ukrainians once again took back Oleksandrivka on the Black Sea coast, which Russians had recently retaken.

Area northwest and west of Kherson

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