რუსეთის სამხედრო ძალების მიმოხილვა

The Battle of Ukraine, Special Issue 29, From 20 May, 12:00 to 23 May, 08:00 Kyiv Time

ავტორი: David Batashvili, Research Fellow at the Rondeli Foundation

This is a special issue of the Rondeli Russian Military Digest dedicated to the Russo-Ukrainian War, composed on the basis of numerous open sources.


Donbas Area - North

Russians likely took village Studenok northwest of Svyatohirsk. Russians’ attacks at Dovhenke and other spots of this part of the frontline did not result in their new advances during the reported period.


Donbas Area - Northeast

Russian forces kept up the efforts to deepen their breakthrough on the Popasna section of the frontline, seeking to surround Ukraine forces defending the Severodonetsk-Lysychansk area.

In the northern part of the breakthrough, Russians took Viktorivka. As of the time of writing, Ukrainians likely retained control of the Vasylivka-Lipove-Vrubivka line in the face of Russian attacks. Attempts by Russians to cut the Bakhmut-Lysychansk highway by advancing from Volodymyrivka to Yakovlivka were repelled. Status of the control over Komyshuvakha was unclear as of the time of writing.

In the southern part of the breakthrough, Russian forces took village Vyskryva.

Heavy fighting continued north, east and southeast of the city of Severodonetsk. Russians attempted to advance directly on Severodonetsk from the north during the reported period, without success. To the southeast of the city, Russians took village Ustinivka.

Static shot from the Russo-Ukrainian War interactive map, the Popasna breakthrough of the Russians, and their attempt to reach the Bakhmut-Lysychansk highway. All information on the maps is approximate.


Donbas Area – Northeast as of the morning 23 May


No major changes occurred in Donbas Area – Southeast, Donbas Area - South and Zaporizhzhia Area.


Siege of Mariupol

The garrison of Mariupol surrendered on 20 May. Below is the final screen from the interactive map showing the approximate frontline at the time of surrender.


Kharkiv Area

Information reported in the previous special issue regarding Russians’ counterattacks resulting in them retaking villages Ternova and Rubizhne, as well as regarding Ukrainians crossing Siverskyi Donets River near Staryi Saltiv and establishing a foothold on its eastern bank has been confirmed.

No other major changes occurred in this area.


No major changes occurred in the Black Sea Area. There the two sides appear to engage in artillery fire and preparations for future fighting without conducting maneuver attacks at this stage of the campaign.

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