რუსეთის სამხედრო ძალების მიმოხილვა

The Battle of Ukraine, Special Issue 66, from 5 September, 13:00 to 7 September, 16:00 Kyiv Time

ავტორი: David Batashvili, Research Fellow at the Rondeli Foundation

This is a special issue of the Rondeli Russian Military Digest dedicated to the Russo-Ukrainian War, composed on the basis of numerous open sources.


Izyum Area and Donbas Area – North

On 6 September, Ukrainians started an offensive near the city of Balakliya northwest of Izyum.

They broke through the Russian defenses north of the city and launched a rapid advance in the direction of Shevchenkove, liberating villages Yakovenkove, Taranushyne, Kalynivka, Volokhiv Yar and Semenivka. Villages Studenok and Ivanivka were also revealed to be under the Ukrainian control.

Ukrainians liberated Verbivka and Bairak located immediately north and south of Balakliya respectively. They also entered the city itself engaging in combat with the Russian forces within.

Ukrainians were also reported to be attacking towards Savyntsi with results unknown at the time of writing.

South of Izyum, Ukrainians liberated Dovhenke.

Static shot from the Russo-Ukrainian War interactive map, Izyum Area as of the afternoon 7 September 2022. All information on the maps is approximate.


Black Sea Area

In the area of the Ukrainian breakthrough across the Inhulets River Ukrainians liberated village Shchastlyve.

In the north, they took Novovoznesenske. Heavy fighting continued on the line south of Visokopillya and Olhyne.

Northwest of Kherson city, Ukrainians liberated Shmidtove.

Inhulets River breakthrough area, 7 September


Donbas Area – Northeast

Russians attempted attacks at various sections of the frontline in this area without success.


Donbas Area – Southeast

Fighting went on in the areas of Avdiivka and Pisky without major changes.


Donbas Area – South and Zaporizhzhia Area

No major changes occurred in this area during the reported period.


Kharkiv Area

Fighting was reported at several sections of the frontline north and northwest of Kharkiv city. No major known territorial changes occurred.

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