რუსეთის სამხედრო ძალების მიმოხილვა

The Battle of Ukraine, Special Issue 87, from 4 November, 14:00 to 9 November, 14:00 Kyiv Time

ავტორი: David Batashvili, Research Fellow at the Rondeli Foundation

This is a special issue of the Rondeli Russian Military Digest dedicated to the Russo-Ukrainian War, composed on the basis of numerous open sources.


Black Sea Area 

Ukrainian forces launched attacks on several sections of the frontline including near Pravdyne, in Snihurivka, and towards Mylove from the side of Dudchany.

On 8 November, Ukrainians entered the town of Snihurivka taking over its northern outskirts. The precise extent of their advance was unclear at the time of writing.

In this area as a whole growing signs indicated that Russians could be preparing for a withdrawal of their forces.

Static shot from the Russo-Ukrainian War interactive map. The frontline between Snihurivka and Mylove as of the afternoon, 9 November 2022. All information on the maps is approximate.


Svatove-Starobilsk Area and Donbas Area – North

Fighting continued southwest and northwest of Svatove with Ukrainians attacking towards Ploshchanka as well as near Kuzemivka.

Village Dibrova, immediately southwest of Kreminna, was confirmed to be under Russian control.


Donbas Area – Northeast

Very intense fighting continued east of Bakhmut, and along most of the frontline in this area, without resulting in major territorial changes.


Donbas Area – South and Zaporizhzhia Area

Russians continued attempts to attack in Pavlivka without success.


No major territorial changes occurred in Donbas Area – Southeast despite continued fighting.

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