რუსეთის სამხედრო ძალების მიმოხილვა

The Battle of Ukraine, Special Issue 88, from 9 November, 14:00 to 11 November, 16:00 Kyiv Time

ავტორი: David Batashvili, Research Fellow at the Rondeli Foundation

This is a special issue of the Rondeli Russian Military Digest dedicated to the Russo-Ukrainian War, composed on the basis of numerous open sources.


Black Sea Area 

On 11 November 2022, Ukrainian forces liberated the city of Kherson.

Initial Ukrainian advance on some sections of the frontline began on 9 November. With the Russian announcement of withdrawal from the western bank of the Dnipro River in Kherson Oblast, on 10 November Ukrainians launched rapid advance all over the frontline. By the afternoon 11 November, they had entered Kherson city from the west, liberating numerous villages and towns, including Snihurivka and Beryslav as well as Oleksandrivka on the Black Sea coast which had likely changed hands more times than any other place during the war, now coming back under Ukrainian control one last time.

As of the afternoon 11 November, no organized Russian resistance existed on the western bank of the Dnipro River, although reports indicated that large groups of troops might have been left behind in the Russian withdrawal.

Static shot from the Russo-Ukrainian War interactive map. Liberation of Kherson and the western bank of the Dnipro River, 10-11 November 2022. All information on the maps is approximate.


Donbas Area – Northeast

Very intense fighting was reported south of Bakhmut city, without known major territorial changes.


Donbas Area – South and Zaporizhzhia Area

Russians once again attacked Pavlivka, entering the village. Heavy fighting continued there with results unclear as of the time of writing.


No major territorial changes occurred in Svatove-Starobilsk Area, Donbas Area – North and Donbas Area – Southeast despite continued fighting.

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