Meetings and Discussions

The eleventh meeting of the Georgia-EU civil society platform was held at Rondeli Foundation

2023 / 06 / 13

On June 8, 2023, the eleventh meeting of the Georgia-EU civil society platform was held at Rondeli Foundation.

The platform was established in accordance with Article 412 of the Association Agreement between Georgia and the European Union. Its purpose is to monitor the agreement, develop and deliver recommendations to the highest level institutions of cooperation between the European Union and Georgia, governments, parliaments. A joint statement was received at the meeting. The meeting of the platform was opened by the co-chairmen of the platform, the Director of the Centre for EU Studies at Rondeli Foundation, Kakha Gogolashvili, and Mateusz Szymański, a member of the European Economic and Social Committee, a representative of the professional union "Solidarnost".

They talked about the implementation of the Georgia-EU Association Agreement, as well as the process of Georgia's accession to the European Union: Ms. Asuncion Ruiz-Sanchez, Deputy Head of Delegation of the European Union to Georgia; Mr. Michael Rupp, Team leader, Unit for Georgia and Moldova, Neighbourhood East and Institution Building, European Commission. Mr. Davit Bujiashvili, Head of the Department of the EU Assistance Coordination and Sectorial Integration Department, MFA of Georgia, gave a speech at the meeting; Mr. Paata Gaprindashvili, Director of the Reforms Association, spoke on behalf of the monitoring group of 12 priorities by the civil society. Ms. Natia Kuprashvili, Chairperson, Journalism Resource Centre, Ms. Tamar Khidasheli - Director, Democracy Research Institute, made a report at the session. Mr. Lasha Tughushi, Director at Liberal Academy, Ms. Nazi Janezashvili, Director of Georgian Court Watch. The next session was devoted to discussing the state of implementation of Article 14 on employment, social security and equal rights of the Association Agreement. Mrs. Raisa Lipartelian, Vice-President of Georgian Trade Unions Confederation, Mrs. Isaline Ossieur, Adviser at Social Affairs department, Mrs. Ody Neisingh, President of the EESC's Group on Equality and Rapporteur on Gender lens investing as a way to improve gender equality in the European Union, gave a speech. At the meeting, information was also provided (Ms. Christina Tilling, European Transport Workers' Federation) about the state of protection of workers' rights in the field of transport services in the European Union. In connection with the mentioned topic, Mrs. Raisa Liparteliani presented the case of Georgian transporters who recently went on strike in Germany.

Click here: https://www.eesc.europa.eu/en/agenda/our-events/events/11th-meeting-eu-georgia-civil-society-platform/documents?fbclid=IwAR0VpyYrS1G9JYWReWykN4dMgHgv8VxAP8i-pV31i_3ugjlFeUA1ztEu-pk

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