
Presentation of the Study Results "Eastern Partnership and Convergence with EU Policies in Georgia"

2014 / 12 / 16

On December 16, 2014 a presentation of the study results - Eastern Partnership and Convergence with EU Policies in Georgia was held at the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies (GFSIS). The multiple-area research was conducted by GFSIS, Association – European Studies for Innovative Development of Georgia and Georgian Association - Woman and Business.
The research aimed at analyzing the state of Georgian reforms in the following fields: Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement; Status and implications of the agreement in terms of trade facilitation and institutional development, Labor Migration with the focus on social conditions of women migrants from Georgia and Agricultural Policy in Georgia with the view of its approximation to EU norms and standards.

Representatives of non-governmental organizations and state agencies, including research institutions, universities and government attended the presentation.  

Dr. Alexander Rondeli, president of GFSIS welcomed the participants, Julia Bläsius, Regional Director South Caucasus at Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Regional Office for the South Caucasus underlined the importance of the project and familiarized the guests with the ongoing work of the foundation and the future plans.

The brief overview of the studies were exposed by Kakha Gogolashvili, Senior Fellow at GFSIS and Natia Daghelishvili, Caucasus Institute for Economic and Social Research (CIESR). The latter spoke on the important aspects of the DCFTA and focused on the benefits of the agreement: elimination of the non-tariff barriers, facilitated access of Georgian goods and services to the EU markets. The appearance of the competing trade blocks in the area like EU associated states and the Eurasian Union was discussed from the point of view of its possible impact on Georgian trade with its neighbors. 

Nino Elizbarashvili, Georgia Association – Woman and Business spoke about the labor migration problems in Georgia. Oleg Shatberashvili, European Studies for Innovative Development of Georgia presented the results of his study dedicated to the ways of development of the agricultural policy in Georgia.

The presentations was followed by an engaging discussion with the audience.  The publication was  distributred among the  presentation attendees.

The study was conducted in the scope of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation-financed project “Stimulating the Eastern Partnership Work in Georgia.” 

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